2002 / 2015
Joel D. Wallach
Dr. Ma Lan
PREPARE: The Preppers Survival Bible is a collection of seemingly unrelated pieces of understanding necessary to grasp the full concept of what needs to be done to ensure making it to a healthful concept of what needs to be done to ensure making it to a healthful life at 200 years of age – to be sure these pieces of the health and longevity puzzle have never been aligned, connected and completed before- Dr. Wallach’s Ephiphany!
This Is a collection of seemingly unrelated pieces of understanding necessary to grasp the full concept of what needs to be done to ensure making it a healthful life.
- The Epiphany
- American Centenarians
- Medical Dogmas/Lies
- Health & Longevity
- Weight Loss
- Home Defense & Antiterroris Plan
- Cash Flow & Tax Plan
- Longevity Recipes